Happy New Year!

Happy New year to everyone who reads my blog. 2008 is certainly going to be a very special and full year for Matt and I. I’m really excited. This will be the year that we get to meet our little baby for the first time. Amazing.

We’re currently 30+3 now. Every passing day just makes me more anxious about everything. I think it is finally hitting home that I, me, Debbie, am going to be a Mummy. It seems entirely surreal. I’m excited, more excited than I ever have been about anything, but, I’m also very nervous and scared too. I’m scared about actually having to give birth; terrified in fact. But I am also terrified about bringing home this tiny, fragile, new born baby and having to look after it. What if I am a useless mother? I don’t even know where to start. I can change a nappy. That’s not hard, but I have no idea about putting a baby to bed safely and bathing it and all of those things.

Fear has now set in! But I honestly can’t wait. 10-12 more (12 maximum) weeks to go and we will finally be holding our bundle of joy. I’m still glad we didn’t find out if we are on Team Blue or Team Pink as I think the suspension will keep me going in the final few weeks.

Things are getting difficult now. I can’t sleep at night so I am constantly tired. Acid reflux is back with a vengeance. Bending over hurts and sometimes Flump is so active that I actually feel nauseus. One of my main issues is actually finding somewhere to get comfy. Sitting at my desk gives me awful backache. Sitting on the bed gives me terrible pain in my hip and sitting down in the lounge on the sofa doesn’t support my back so I end up sitting on the floor now! It’s all fun!!

On the good side, my bump is growing nicely. In fact, we were both amazed at just how much it grew in a week over Xmas (and no, it wasn’t down to too eating too much rubbish, thanks!) This is the main growth time and boy, am I feeling it! The stretching pains are back, not as bad as they were in the first tri and second tri, but they’re there. At least with those pains it means that Flump is growing as he should so I don’t mind. They don’t last as long as they used to either.

We have more or less everything we need now. All the big stuff is either here or on order, awaiting delivery (such as the nursery furniture). We are going to get our Xmas decorations down this weekend and get them packed away so that we can get the loft sorted out for more bits and pieces from the old office to go in there so we can start decorating. We are going to paint and my Dad has kindly agreed to come and wallpaper for us (he is good at it!). The carpet comes on 14th January so it all needs to be done by then.

At the weekend, we made a list of everything we have bought and when we got it all out we just couldn’t believe it. Half the stuff we have bought over the last 10 weeks, we’d actually forgotten about. We have so much but it’ll all be used, I’m sure. We somehow ended up with 36 baby vests. I think we got a little bit carried away!

We’ve agreed not to buy any more clothing or blankets etc until we know whether it should be blue or pink. I don’t want the baby having to live in cream and yellow for the first 3 months because we overdid it on outfits and HAVE to use them!

I shall keep you updated onΒ  our progress as always πŸ™‚

8 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    dtb said,

    You’ll make a fantastic mummy!

  2. 2

    MarkP said,

    I am sure both you (and Matt) will make great parent(s). Do you know many people with children? It is amazing how much of a impact they have on your friends, I haven’t seen one of (what I thought was) my best friends since we told him I was going to be dad. I know what you mean about looking after such a young baby and can relate with that but your be surprised how natural it all comes believe me but I am afraid to say the worry remains.

    You can never have enough clothes our washing machine is always on now-a-days and we still can’t keep on top of her washing but again I can relate to the fact of wanting team pink or blue clothes instead of the unisex clothes.

    My partner can relate to the acid reflux she had terrible heart burn during her pregnancy right up to the birth and our little one suffers quite badly with her wind so hence she is quite a sickie baby but her weight gain is good so no one is to worried it. (Not sure if this is connected)

    I think I have hi-jacked your blog enough now, so I will sign of by wishing you (and Matt) all the best of luck with everything if you want to chat please feel free to drop me or my partner a email…

  3. 3

    Sherlock said,

    Sounds like its all going as it should πŸ™‚

    I can’t believe you are already so far into 3rd tri! Its flying past.

    I think so long as you have the basics for the first few weeks and plenty of sleep suits and all in ones with long and short sleeves/legs you’ll be fine. Actual clothing can happen once baby is here πŸ™‚ I usually give up on trying to dress small babies in outfits as I figure it cannot be much fun for them being pulled into a dress or skirt and tights or trousers and sweater and so on, so tend to go for sleepsuits and easy items till babies are bigger.

    I shall bookmark this now so I can keep up to date with it if you are not around elsewhere posting πŸ™‚



  4. 4

    MarkP said,

    I would have to agree with Sherlock, you can not have enough baby grows (sleep suits) to begin with, but that as always is down to personal taste.

    We just brought the essentials to begin with but we had a lot of stuff given to us as I two sisters and between them I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews.

  5. 5

    Nicky said,

    Glad all is going well. The thought of looking after a small human being and being responsible for it is terrifying, but you do get used to it quite quickly.
    I didn’t know how to change a nappy or anything, and I didn’t even know that babies had to be winded! Having avoided them most of my life, I didn’t have the first clue about them. You do get a handle on it quite soon though, and the midwives should teach you how to bath etc etc, and you’ve got your sister to help out so you’ll be fine.

    Besides, Matt seems to know everything there is about babies, so just hand Flump over to him and you go and have a nice rest. Sorted!

  6. 6

    Mummy-To-Be said,

    He knows a lot, as do I really, but neither of us have had to deal with a baby full time before and no-one in the world knows *everything* about babies.

    I won’t be passing Flump over. I’ve waited this long and once I get ahold of him or her, he or she is going to have to be prised from my arms for anyone else to get a look in LOL πŸ˜‰

  7. 7

    Sherlock said,

    I remember being nervous every time I look after a new baby or child. It takes a few days for it all to kick in and to feel like I’ve been doing it forever. I know being a Mum will have different feelings but I can understand where you are coming from and how you might feel like a fish out of water. I’ve been looking after children for 15 odd years now but I still have to adapt to every child and their needs.

    Nerves are normal and its good to have them. I think so long as you don’t go overboard and try and make things overly complicated for yourselves, you’ll both find your own way and settle into a routine that works for you.

    I think because when newborn they are so small and fragile looking, we tend to be in awe and worried about everything we are doing, but that’s a natural feeling and one that is soon overcome, once you find your feet. As you grow in confidence and you adapt to being a new Mum and Dad I think your worries will subside.

    Erm apologies if I’ve repeated myself a few times. Long day πŸ™‚


  8. 8

    MarkP said,

    I personally still worry about my little one and the things I do and she is coming on for 5 months old! (its scary look back at her photos as everyone still feels like yesterday)

    You are right that it becomes easier, but I think that is only because they are getting easier to manage as you have got to know them. I personally think the first six weeks were the hardest.

    I think you just have to go with what feels right for you as a couple, this goes for everything from feeding, bedtime, clothes, etc. because at the end of day if your not happy then your baby won’t be.

    I think that being a parent you are learning on the job and it is something that no amount of reading can prepare you for. but it is so rewarding.

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